Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The man who predicted his death, through dream ...

In 2006 , two Albanian parents receive a letter from their son immigrant in Italy , ( they had two sons and others ) . Written in that paper .... - " You loved my parents , I hope that you are well and letters find healthy and happy .. I do not want tJA broke the silence even worry if you do like you say you are with something strange happens .

I have 3 days that I'm only one hour per day and sleep all night around Ender is not closed syte.Eshte overtake the strange but I feel like I'm asleep with eyes open though . This situation is driving me crazy little by little . Third night is on going and do not look at ...

Around a dream that seems very real . The first day despite being scared devoted not matter .... The second day I was impressed how the same high repeating the same dream and nightmare 2 times ... and today I am scared and it seems unlikely that the true jet ... If you describe when my dream comes to a barely showed my friends , that crazy Mary ...

Here's the dream .... I wake , I rise out of bed at 6 go to make a water bath which has no possibility to know , but I can feel when is cool or hot , everything was as real after finish , wears a pair of black pants and a white shirt , pick up the wallet , car keys and go , the road can see the details of all street names , different cars , not people who have never seen in my life , you can see everything as if it were true .

After 10 min street make a stop before a traffic light intersection and chop the green light , do not know why but I feel anxious , to freeze the feet and hands , as the traffic light and hear a sound start off strong brake , around the front of a black car and I hear a noise .

After a few castes see myself lying next to a tall blond guy who has his face covered with blood , has many policemen around us and a crowd of people , someone approaches us wearing white and covered us with the linen .

( Among other things, on paper this guy has left the junction name , the way that we do for work , black car plate number , name of the white person who had read of an identification card that was in the chest where you can see only name )

Here ends my dream and wake up shouting , but the pain we all like trupin.Nuk worries parents loved you , but today I saw the names of all the attention that slip roads to go to work all the shops and everything matched with dream .

I have more fear and tomorrow will take vacation to go to work and master will come back soon in Albania .
You hug your son ...

The parents of this boy the day after the boy had written the letter received a phone call saying that his son had died in an accident and other ndodhi.Diten explain how they came up to him at home when the letter was read tmeruan ... There were plenty of things that dreams perputheshin event , then asked for information , the name of the person who was covered coroner's name , the car that had collided with their son was black and had the same plates that had sent the letter .

The family has run out and a television emison hopefully someone explain how you had opportunities to son's death he had described himself ... 1 day prior to death .... ! ?

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