Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Greeks: "Here's how we will shatter the boundaries of the New World Order!

Concern for people and the Greek mainland , recent news circulating in the electronic media in this country and in the circles of " closed " and "sensitive " !
According to materials and information sources referred to in this article , accusing Greeks of the New World Order that aims to shatter the soil of this country territorially !

In short , this article spoke of the dismemberment of the country being " back " part of the territorial land and neighboring countries that have territorial claims against this country . One of these places is Albania , where as you see in the picture and created by the Greeks , then by those who " have " this information and refer some reliable sources , as follows :
- Northern Greece turns to Albania , the island of Corfu will declare autonomy and will be independent , as the island of Crete .
- Turkey will take some Greek islands in the Aegean .
- Greater Bulgaria will take part northeastern Greece .
But also we have and creating state called Macedonia : Macedonia Aegean ! A state whose borders grow more passing owned a significant part of Greek territory and territorial expansion eastward of this place !
Greeks blame for this difficult situation which the watch in the near future , former Prime Minister George Papandreou and the New World Order .

Even leading role in the cleavage of Greece , the visual media played , press and electronic parts from those amirs .
According to the Greek : " New World Order , which through " employee " as their former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and a dozen great journalists who have done rinsing mug Greek people , they could not represent the Greek people as people more lazy around the world . It was scheduled to land with hyper - consumption so that the citizens and the state is not coping economically and as a consequence the point of hanging directly from its lenders , who have every legal right and on the all have their hands on the country's sovereignty , which could " use " the will and interests . "
Indeed , at one point they say : " The next phase of this program is to partition the country - stage Greeks considered it more simple. This once - in - Greek people will not love us no one will we be disconnected from international markets and the lobbies of the New World Order . Will come the following and dismemberment of Greece . This according to the interests and major powers established optionally "

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