Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Prince Harry and Walking With the Wounded arrive at the South Pole

WWTWPerhaps what many may see as unlucky number 13 proved to play in favour of Prince Harry and the Walking With the Wounded team. A monumental day for everyone who participated in the 2013 challenge. Listen to Harry as he describes the last 10 meters of the journey:
The Walking With the Wounded teams arrived at the South Pole on Friday. At 13:25 GMT the group made it to the bottom of the world after three grueling weeks of walking and sled pulling.
“After 4 weeks & 200km, we can confirm that the Virgin Money UK #‎SouthPole2013  teams arrived at the South Pole at 13:25 GMT, Fri 13 Dec – a day considered unlucky for some, but a monumental day for all the team members involved: Team Noom Coach, Team Glenfiddich and Team Soldier On – Helping our Wounded Warriors Soldier On / Sans Limites,” according to WWTW via Facebook.
The British Monarchy posted on their website footage of the moment when the team gathered together as they reached the end of their incredible journey:
Earlier this week, Harry recorded a short bit posted on the WWTW website and Twitter. In it he stated that “A half-day on Friday and we get to the South Pole on Friday 13th, unlucky for some, lucky for us,” he noted. “The wind has dropped down, which is nice. I think everyone is feeling a bit tired, but slowly getting into the rhythm. Only just got into the rhythm now and it has almost finished,” he concluded.
The competition aspect of the expedition ended due to the extreme weather conditions and arduous terrain. The twelve injured serviceman and women from the UK, US and Commonwealth banded together as one team to complete the 200 mile trek. Walking With The Wounded director Ed Parker said the terrain was “very difficult, far harder than we were anticipating” when announcing the end of the race aspect, reports the BBC.The Prince had nothing but praise for his teammates, particularly Sgt Duncan Slater, who in 2009 lost both his legs in Afghanistan after his vehicle was blown up by an IED. Commenting about his teammate Sgt Slater, Harry mentioned to the BBC that Slater “simply doesn’t find walking to the South Pole a big enough challenge, which is why he really enjoyed the race.”
“I think everyone back home will appreciate the fact that just being able to walk 100km (62 miles) in these conditions with no legs is a pretty amazing feat in itself,” the Prince concluded.
The three other injured military personnel on the British team were Maj Kate Philp, who in 2008 lost her left leg after a bomb blast, Capt Guy Disney, who in 2009 lost his right leg in a rocket attack; and Capt Ibrar Ali, who lost his right arm in a roadside bomb in 2007.
Harry was patron of the WWTW North Pole journey in 2011 and the 2012 expedition to Mount Everest.

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