Monday, January 13, 2014


Mythical creatures have always been a part of folk tales. Many of these creatures are believed to have walked the earth and some are believed to be still doing so. It is quite difficult to ascertain if these creatures do exist or otherwise.
Some well known mythical creatures are the monster of Loch Less, Chinese dragon turtles, fire spitting dragons, yeti, big foot, Pegasus, unicorns and many others. All cultures have contributed with their own mythical creatures.
Stories about sightings and encounters keep cropping up to keep these mythical creatures alive in the imagination of the world. Stories about an encounter with the chupacabra are doing the rounds in the Spanish media in El Paso County. The story was triggered by an unsavory incident that occurred in the Horizon City.
Cesar Garcia and his brother-in-law Juan Miranda lost thirty chickens in two nights. The chickens were found dead, piled on each other, with strange puncture wounds. They couldn’t explain how it happened as there was no blood around.
Something else that took them by surprise was the strange reactions from their other animals. All of them seemed spooked and refused to behave normally. The biggest surprise was that their dogs did not bark when the chickens were killed. The footprint they found near the spot was confirmed, on the internet, as that of the mythical chupacabra

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