Saturday, January 11, 2014

U.S. defy the new law "provocative" China

The United States considered as " highly provocative and dangerous " China's new restrictions on foreign vessels fishing in the disputed waters of South China Sea .

From 1 January , China has asked foreign trawlers seeking approval to enter waters , that - according to them - are under their jurisdiction . These restrictions reject territorial claims by the Philippines , Taiwan , Malaysia , Brunei and Vietnam .

Jen Psaki , spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department , said during Thursday that China has not given any justification based on international law , to the new restrictions .

" Our longstanding position has been that that all parties concerned should avoid any unilateral action that increases tensions and undermines prospects for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the contradictions between each party ," said Psaki .

" Putting these restrictions on fishing activities to other countries in the disputed part of the South China Sea is a provocative act and extremely dangerous ."

U.S. clashed with China , after announcing in November that the new area air defense , over a region of the East China Sea , claimed by Japan and South Korea .

In new claim , the U.S. sent two strategic bombers B - 52 , adding even more tension in the Pacific . Chinese new rules do not specify penalties , but the requirements are similar to the national law of 2004, which meant that each fishing vessel entering Chinese territory without permission , equipment will be confiscated and will face fines of up to 82,600 dollars .

Hua Chunying , a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry , said that the regulation of the use of Marine resources is a normal practice . China clashes with the Philippines have been particularly cold as far as the region of the South China Sea .

Raul Hernandez , a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines , said that Manila has asked its embassy in Beijing to get more information on the new rules .

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