Saturday, January 11, 2014

Three new habitable planets discovered

Astronomers have identified a distant star system with at least three planets in its habitable zone.

The star Gliese 667C is believed to be host to up to six planets, three of which falling within the 'Goldilocks' zone in which liquid water can exist. The planets are much larger than the Earth but not as large as Neptune. The unique find of a solar system with three such worlds has the potential to make the hunt for a planet with alien life on it less difficult.

"This is the first time that three such planets have been spotted orbiting in this zone in the same system," said astronomer Paul Butler. Furthermore, the star system is located just 22 light years away which makes it relatively close by compared to most extrasolar planet finds.

"Previously, the star known as Gliese 667C was found to be hosting three planets, one of which was located in its so-called "habitable zone" where temperatures could support liquid surface water."

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