Saturday, January 11, 2014

Did the Earth once have two moons ?

It is believed that there was more than one moon in orbit around the Earth shortly after its formation.

The Earth the Moon are thought to have formed somewhere between 30 and 130 million years after the formation of the solar system around 4.6 billion years ago. During that process it is quite possible that more than one moon formed around the planet and that the moon we see today is actually the result of a collision between the two.

"The second moon would have lasted for only a few million years; then it would have collided with the moon to leave the one large body we see today," said Professor Erik Asphaug. "It would have orbited Earth at the same speed and distance and just got slowly sucked in until they hit and then coalesced."

"The Earth’s moon may once have not been on its own, according to lunar scientists."

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