Friday, January 10, 2014

Origin of weekdays

It is not true that 7 days a week related to the fact that god created the world in six days and the seventh day of vacation left . That would be very silly. The truth is that every weekday that connects to a planet then regarded as pagan gods . Ancient people to respect their gods devoted one day each . The main day itself Sunday Sun got its name because the English and sunday = sun + day means the day that the Sun , the god of light and the creation of life , and following ...

Moon = Monday ( Italian: Luna - Lunedi , English : Moon - monday )
Tuesday March = ( Italian: Tuesday - martedi )
Mercury = Wednesday ( Italian: Mercurio - Mercoledi , french : Mercure : Mercredi )
Thursday = Jupiter ( Italian: giova - giovedi )
Friday = Venus ( Italian: Venus - Venerdi , French : VENUS - VENDREDI )
Saturn = Saturday ( English : Saturn - saturday )
Sun = Sunday ( English : Sun - sunday , German : Sonne - Sonntag )

Previously known as the gods seven celestial bodies that were seen by the human eye , Venus was called Aphrodite by the Greeks and the ancient Illyrians . Each god devoted a special day and the very day of their respective praying in the temple . Romans prayed Mars ( god of war ) on Tuesday at his temple to win the battle . Lovers praying in the temple of Aphrodite ( Venus ) ...... other planets of the solar system are discovered later , in the last three centuries . If they were detected before week probably will have 10 days

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