Saturday, January 11, 2014

Working truck built out of ice

A company in Canada is hoping to set a new world record for driving a truck made almost entirely of ice.

The unique vehicle was commissioned by Canadian Tire as a way to demonstrate how well their car battery works in low temperatures. Skilled ice sculptors used the chassis from a 2005 GMC Silverado as a basis for the truck which needed a steel frame to support the five tons of ice used in its construction.

President of ice sculpture company Iceculture described the endeavor as "probably one of the biggest challenges we’ve ever done" and that it was "the first of its kind in the ice industry."

The freezing truck managed to drive 1.6km in total at a speed of 20km/hr. It took 44 hours to melt once the stunt was completed and it is hoped that it will go down in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's first self-propelled ice vehicle. 

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