Friday, January 10, 2014

Things that people want more than sex

There are thousands of millions of people , who put sex above all else . But recent studies have shown that many people will leave aside the very desire sex , but not other things , for which there will never lift up , transmits NOA .

Sleep - According to a recent survey , 12 % of people would prefer a better night 's sleep than a night full of sex .

Internet - Another study last year showed that 46 % of women were willing to give up sex for two weeks , instead of sitting without Internet access , while only 30 % of men thought so.
Diet - A good dining relish more than intercourse . At least 29% of women surveyed by the American and sites . These women said they would not give up for anything in the world of their favorite dishes .

Coffee - According to a survey conducted , the majority of respondents , 53 % of their full prefer a cup of coffee better than intercourse that morning .

Compliments - Various studies have shown that it would be better assessment than intercourse , and this is the same for men and women . Both sexes want compliments , they would willingly give up a night of fiery sexual relationship .

Bags easy - Another thing that prefer more than sex , is an easy kit . This rise in the morning after a heavy bag according to U.S. researchers , ruin the mood . Against the respondents on this issue have stated that they would prefer to stay for months without having intercourse , not only carrying a heavy bag

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