Monday, January 13, 2014


Mitchell Harrison

On October 1, 2011, 33-year old Michael Parr and 24-year-old Nathan Mann lured fellow inmate Mitchell Harrison into a cell. The 24-year-old Harrison was serving an indeterminate sentence for raping a 13-year-old girl. The pair of convicted murderers held Harrison down and cut his throat with plastic cutlery and a razor blade. They then stabbed him in the eye with a pen, before proceeding to disembowel him. Their original intention was to cut out his liver and eat it, but they ultimately did not follow through on this plan.
Mann was serving 24 years for breaking into a nursing home, suffocating one elderly woman, and then punching another to death while she slept. Parr was sentenced to life for trying to suffocate a fellow patient at a Newcastle hospital. Both were violent offenders and questions have been asked as to why the three were left alone long enough for the murder to be carried out, especially since psych evaluations had already indicated that Parr hadcannibalistic fantasies.
The murder of Harrison shows how brutal prison can be—all it took was a few minutes alone for him to become the victim of a horrifically savage assault. The crime shocked England and made headlines around the world.

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