Saturday, January 11, 2014

Japan to place giant solar belt around moon

A Japanese firm is aiming to build a huge 250-mile-wide belt of solar panels around the moon's equator.

In a bid to help solve Japan's energy problems, Shimizu Corp. has drawn up plans to construct an ambitious power generation facility that will take up permanent residence around the moon in the form of a vast array of solar panels.

The "Luna ring" would generate more than three times the average power generated by the entire United States in a year and then relay that energy back to a number of special receiving stations using either lasers or microwave radiation.

Not only could this system solve Japan's energy problems but potentially everyone else's as well, providing a practically unlimited supply of clean energy to wherever it is needed while eliminating the need for nuclear power plants.

Shimizu believes that construction of the ring could begin in 2035 and that automated robots could be used to mine materials from the moon to build it. Once completed the engineering wonder would stretch 6,800 miles around the moon's equator where it would be able to convert the sun's rays in to energy 24 hours a day. 

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