Saturday, January 11, 2014

Greece, Syrian chemical weapons alert

Caused great feedback on news that Greece arsenal of chemical weapons Syria regime will collapse in international waters south-west of Crete.

Greek opposition MPs demanded the government interpellation, after being referred to a British network BBC reportage, in which an American ship would destroy chemical weapons by hydrolysis, in a maritime area between Greece, Italy, Libya and Malta.

Destruction of nearly 1,400 tons of chemical weapons has taken over Syrian International Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and, after much oppositioncountries , such as Albania , Belgium, Norway , etc. . , except to the extent
that has taken over Germany , the U.S. has proposed hydrolysis method , whose efficiency , Greek and foreign scientists have expressed their reservations , and the fact that it can be used in a closed sea such as Mediterranean .

Their concerns come just two days after OPCW monitors have called on the government of President Bashar al - Assad , to accelerate the delivery of the remaining chemicals .

" We advised the Syrian government to intensify its efforts , in order to be able to complete this critical part of this mission , as soon as conditions allow ," said Michael fluctuated , spokesman for the OPCW .

According to the BBC , the first shipment of chemical weapons is launched from Syria , bound for Italy , which would then be loaded into a U.S. navy ship , which will lead to the place specified in the Mediterranean Sea .

Spokeswoman caucus " New Democracy " has stated that the Greek government is against this act , as the representative of " the Green Ecologists " has sought clarification from the European Commission if it is aware of this plan , if the consent of the International Organization for prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the UN , if the hydrolysis process is in accordance with the provisions of the London Convention and Protocol for the prevention of sea pollution and damage to marine ecosystems and species , and whether this process will be monitored

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