Saturday, January 11, 2014

Factory worker who had cigarette in storeroom causes huge blaze and £25 million damage

A FACTORY worker who snuck into a store room for a crafty cigarette ended up starting a huge blaze which caused £25million-worth of damage.

A huge blaze and 25m worth of damage was created by a factory worker who had a cigarette indoors
More than 100 colleagues of Colin Goulding ended up losing their jobs after the massive blaze devastated the crisp factory where he worked.

Goulding, 31, had been worried about being caught smoking during his night shift at the Real Crisp factory in Newport, South Wales.

So he snuck into a side room at 3am but he threw the fag end into a pile of crisp wrappers and it set alight. 

The blaze engulfed the factory in just 10 minutes and took 65 firefighters from 20 stations to extinguish it.
 More than 100 colleagues of Colin Goulding ended up losing their jobs after the massive blaze [WALES NEWS SERVICE]
This was a ridiculous thing to do
Judge Philip Richards
Goulding’s co-workers, including his parents, were eventually left out of work as the factory could not re-open.

He did not realise he had started the blaze and even filmed flames engulfing the site.

Yesterday Judge Philip Richards said it was the “most expensive arson” he had ever seen and jailed Goulding for six-and-a-quarter years at Newport Crown Court.

Mr Richards said: "This was a ridiculous thing to do.

"Lighting a cigarette in this warehouse would have been, to any rational person, a most unwise act.

"I accept you didn't mean to cause this fire, which had devastating consequences for your own family and so many others."
 The blaze engulfed the factory in just 10 minutes and took 65 firefighters to extinguish it [WALES NEWS SERVICE]
The fire on September 20th last year left 108 people out of work after firm Real Crisps decided not to re-open the devastated factory.

Goulding broke company policy by bringing cigarettes and a lighter to the factory floor where there was extremely flammable material.

The court heard at the time of the blaze there was 40 tonnes of potatoes and 60,000 litres of cooking oil on the site.

Prosecutor Matthew Roberts said: "The fire started easily and spread quickly causing irreversible damage to virtually all of the factory.

"The damage was so extensive that the factory burnt to the ground and was entirely demolished.

"It's fortunate, and through no fault of this defendant, that no one was hurt or killed."
 Goulding broke company policy by bringing cigarettes and a lighter to the factory floor [WALES NEWS SERVICE]
The court heard that Goulding had the mental capacity of someone aged between 13 to 17 and that he had no idea his cigarette started the fire.

The father-of-one, from Abertillery in South Wales, filmed the huge fire on his camera phone as colleagues rushed to escape before he called 999.

He admitted arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered.

Huw Evans, defending, said: "He did not intend to endanger life - but he was reckless.

"He did not intend to start the fire - this was a careless and avoidable act - but it was not intentional.

"He carelessly discarded the cigarette but as far as he was concerned, when he discarded it it was in a place where no fire could have started.

"He didn't appreciate it was dangerous, but maybe he should have done."

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