Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Eat grass to be closer to God"

Eat grass to be closer to God! This has been preaching a South African pastor who has driven dozens of his followers to lie "to pasture".

During one of his ministry headquarters in Garankuva, north of Pretoria, the pastor of a Christian sect, Lesego Daniel urged his followers to dozens in the spirit of the Lord, that the human body can function and eat everything, eat grass .

Without thinking twice, his followers were hospitalized blind "pasture" for the next vaftin. But a few minutes after eating almost all of them began to feel severe pain in the stomach and began to draw what they had ngrënë.Rasti in question has caused debate in the African country. The media and politicians have condemned the pastor's calls, while the latter replied that "God is on the move and his lambs are proving this

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