Sunday, January 12, 2014

4 Scariest Predictions for Our Planet Catastrophes that would forever change life as we know it

THE EARTH WOBBLES as it rotates on its axis. At least it used to. As of January 8, 2006, the wobbling has stopped, according to earth changes researcher Michael Mandeville. What will the effects be? No one knows. Maybe nothing.
But this startling anomaly reminds us of some of the radical geophysical changes that have been predicted for our beautiful little planet by prophets, prognosticators and even a few scientists. They're not very pleasant, and I'll leave it up to you how seriously you want to take them.
Pole Shift
It has long been known that the Earth's magnetic pole is not stationary - it wanders around. It also reverses. Scientific research has shown that the magnetic poles switch places every few hundred thousands of years. More radical thinkers, however, say that the Earth's physical poles have shifted significantly in the past - and will so again. They contend that the planet's crust floats on the liquid magma beneath, like the loose skin on an orange, and can slip position. In a pole shift, Antarctica, for example, could be on the new equator and the Amazon frozen on the new South Pole. ProphetsEdgar Cayce and Ruth Montgomery foresaw such a pole shift. And this change can happen, according to Professor, Charles H. Hapgood, not over hundreds of thousands of years, but within days! The effects, as you can imagine, would be catastrophic for human civilization.
Meteor Strike
Most astronomers agree that the Earth will be struck by a large meteor or asteroid sometime in the future. It's not a matter of if, they say, but when. They don't expect one anytime soon, but some seers and channelers do. Lori Toye, for example, says she has received messages from four spirit beings that detail a devastating strike by a large meteor in Nevada. On her I Am America website, Toye specifies the horrific effects: drastically altered coastlines that put Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Houston, Miami and New York City underwater. Denver and Phoenix would become seaports. And that's just North America. Futurist Gordon-Michael Scallion has a similar vision of the Earth.
Picturesque Yellowstone National Park, one of the most beautiful natural tourist destinations in the world, sits atop one of the largest super volcanoes on the planet. If it erupted, the consequences for the entire planet would be catastrophic. What are the chances it will erupt soon? Geologists say it has an eruption cycle of about 600,000 years and last erupted about 640,000 years ago… meaning, it's well overdue. And it's been estimated that Yellowstone's next eruption could be 2,500 times greater than the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980. According to The Discovery Channel, which broadcast a documentary about the Yellowstone volcano, "a full-scale eruption of the Yellowstone hot spot would result in a disaster of global proportions." Ash would cover the entire Western half of the United States; the park would be completely wiped out, along with any nearby towns; the plume of ash would reach 20 miles into the atmosphere, lowering global temperatures and plunging us all into a volcanic winter.
Global Warming - Ice Age
Despite the Bush administration's denial of the facts, most climatologists agree that the Earth is warming. 2005 was the warmest year on record. So what? We'd all like to be a bit warmer, right? It might not work that way. Global warming, ironically, could result in another Ice Age. That seems contradictory, but Art Bell and Whitley Strieber predict in their bookThe Coming Global Superstorm (on which the movie The Day After Tomorrow was based), that global warming could alter important ocean currents, which to a great degree regulate the Earth's temperature. These changes in atmosphere and ocean currents will result in devastating storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and more - some of which we are beginning to see in today's ever more violent weather. It could all lead to a new Ice Age.
Now that I've cheered you up, how can we face these catastrophes? The first three are out of our control, if they are going to happen at all in our lifetimes, so there's not much to be done, unless you want to become an obsessive survivalist. There may be a chance of stopping or slowing global warming, but that will require changes in government and corporate policies. Yet we can all do our part.
Other than that, we can all enjoy every blessed day.

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